Get the SEO Engine Running with Hybrid Video Content

Today I’d like to talk to you about a new approach to digital marketing, to SEO, that I’m calling the Hybrid Video Content Approach.

This technique that I’ve created does two things really well:

  • It strengthens and keeps running the engine of SEO via content marketing by future proofing and AI proofing SEO by putting humans back into the loop. And it does it super efficiently by actually leveraging AI, which I’ll explain.
  • The second part that it does really well is it just creates a ton of diverse content from text for the site, to video for blogs, to YouTube, to clips or social media, you just get a ton of content immediately. And again, it does this in a super efficient way.

Content Marketing, the Engine

So to back up, content marketing is a crucial part of the SEO process. Content marketing is the fuel of the SEO engine. It gets it going and keeps it going. There’s a lot of things that need to happen when you’re doing SEO, search engine optimization, to rank higher on Google, but one of those things is to create regular high quality content. This is called content marketing. And this tells Google that your website should rank for the search terms that you want it to rank for, because you’re creating this great content regularly.

You’re talking about the things that you want to rank for, all sorts of different ways. The different ways in which people might be searching for your service or product.

Historically content marketing has been a challenge to do, to maintain, to do regularly because it’s hard to create high quality, compelling content regularly. It’s easy to put it off. It’s very easy just to see it on your to do list and say, I think I’ll write that blog post later, or I’ll make that video later. With the result being that this engine for SEO could sputter if you were unable to maintain high quality, consistent content marketing, a regular posting schedule. So a lot of SEOs, about a year ago, started using AI for content creation. And this worked super well. Google seemed more than happy to accept AI content as being high quality, useful content that the users would find informative.

Google’s Policy Change

A few months ago this changed. Google announced a new policy that they’re going to deprioritize unoriginal content and they’re going to prioritize original content. The message being that since AI is necessarily unoriginal content, the way that it scrapes the web and gives you a average of all the content that’s out there, very useful but in effect, creates a lot of content that’s very much like a lot of other content on the web. The effect being that their policy is going to encourage, or they’re hoping that it’s going to encourage more original, so necessarily human created content. So this blows up this, previous strategy of using AI to create content for digital marketing.

So what now?

The Hybrid Video Content Approach

My Hybrid Video Content Approach leverages AI, using it in a lot of the same ways that we used it previously to create blog content, ideating, coming up with topic ideas, coming up with outlines. And now instead of just generating posts, we jump on a zoom session and record, with my client, them responding to each point in the outline to prompts. We’re prompting the human, if you will, instead of prompting the AI. And so what we get, by taking this hybrid approach of using the AI to help come up with ideas, to help come up with structure, and then prompting the human to respond using their human, original, creative expertise, in a given field, is a super efficient way of creating video content.

Say in about 45 minutes, we can create content for three, biggish pieces, like five, six, seven, eight minutes long. I edit that using AI tools, make it super concise, take out the filler words, et cetera, and then turn that into a YouTube video, embed that into a blog post, put the transcript in there. You get, in addition to having this content on the blog, you then have video on YouTube, which Google loves to put into their own search results, you can cut that video into a bunch of sub clips to post to social media, and you just get this plethora of content to use in lots of places on top of the win for SEO. And Google seems to love this, clients love this. Their patients or customers get to see a little bit more about their business, about their practice, because they’re regularly posting video, either of them or their employees.

And it’s just like a really great approach, all around, and the impact on my clients is, again, like 45 minutes, an hour a month to create all of this content. And it’s just been a huge boon for SEO and just obviates, this growing problem of Google beginning to not like AI content.

How do you create content regularly for content marketing?

You do it like this.